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Basic Information

Parent Format: Byte

MIME Name: text/plain (non-standard)

Suffix: .txt

Openness: 🆓📖

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Plain text file refers to a file format whose content is directly composed of character. The reason why it is called “plain text” is to distinguish it from the so-called “rich text” that carries information such as layout style.

This article mainly discusses several encoding schemes formally defined and commonly used in the Unicode standard. Since these encoding schemes can be identified by the BOM at the beginning of the file (without BOM, treated as UTF-8), the plain text files encoded by these encoding schemes are regarded as the same file format. Since ASCII is compatible with Unicode’s UTF-8, it is regarded as plain text that complies with the Unicode standard.

Other encoding methods will conflict with Unicode-related encodings or other file formats, so their use is not recommended.