Thus Spoke ZhiZe

In nova traditionem intellegere
In vetera mutationem quaerere

Some introductions of my posts categories:

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Jekyll Collections

4 minute read

Collections are units for Jekyll to manage pages. Pages under the same collection are generally stored in the same folder, and Front Matter default values ca...

Post Categories and Tags

2 minute read

In this post, we will discuss taxonomy of posts. Jekyll provides two default Front Matter variables for taxonomy of posts. Categoties are used to build tree-...

Introduction of Jekyll Front Matter

5 minute read

Both Markdown and HTML are markup languages that tend to represent information on the page that is displayed to humans. The content is either directly displa...

Pages and Posts of Minimal Mistakes

4 minute read

The main body of the website generated by Jekyll is a series of static pages. Each page is an HTML file. By default, Jekyll will search for Markdown files in...

Setting Up Jekyll for Develop GitHub Pages

3 minute read

In this post, we will talk about how to set up a local Jekyll environment to test your site before upload to GitHub Pages. Then we will introduce Minimal Mi...

Setting Up GitHub Pages

6 minute read

GitHub Pages is a free personal website hosting provided by GitHub. You can use this service to build your own website for resumes, project presentations, bl...


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Basic Information

Fish Shell

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Basic Information

GNU Bash

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Basic Information


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Basic Information


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Basic Information


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Basic Information


1 minute read

Basic Information

Oh My Posh

less than 1 minute read

Basic Information